Nos solutions

Legal notices

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of French Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy, you are informed that:

  1. Legal information

Website manager: Mr Thibauld Ginoux
Company: Aventech
Address: 8 Allée Charles Baron – 26000 VALENCE
Tel.: +33 (0)4 75 75 26 00
SIREN: 306 978 610
NAF: 7010Z
Intra-community VAT No.: 306 978 610 
Hosting: Company and Trade Register of Roubaix Tourcoing 424 761 419 – Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59100 Roubaix

  1. Limitation of liability

The user acknowledges that they have read these conditions for use and undertakes to comply with them. The user of this internet site acknowledges that they have the skills and resources required to access and use this website. The owners do all that is possible to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools but cannot be held liable for errors, unavailability of functionalities and/or the presence of viruses on their site. The owners cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and up-to-dateness of the information available on their website. Therefore, the user acknowledges using this information under their sole responsibility.

  1. French Data Protection act

In application of amended Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and personal freedom and privacy, the website has been filed with the French Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés ( in terms of processing customer/prospect files NS-48.
It benefited from Exemption no. 6 – Deliberation no. 2005-284 of 22 November 2005 deciding to exempt filing for websites that distribute or collect data of a personal nature implemented by private individuals in the framework of an exclusively personal activity.

  1. Cookies

The user is informed that when they visit the site, a cookie can be installed automatically on their browser software. Configuring the browser software makes it possible to check for the presence of cookies and optionally to refuse this as described at the following address: The user has all of the aforementioned rights regarding data of a personal nature communicated via cookies in the conditions indicated hereinabove. They must in particular, as this concerns information of a personal nature that they access or could access, refrain from any collection, any diverted use in general, any act that can infringe upon private life or the reputation of persons.

  1. General

Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The internet website [URL HERE] complies with GDPR regulations effective 25 May 2018. We inform the users of this site that data is collected either to improve user experience or to allow for monitoring of requests through this site. No subcontractor has access to the site’s data [URL HERE] except for service providers who maintain the site. The data is:
Browsing data: browser, operating system, support type, country or location, IP address
Data processed: Last name, First name, Email address, message
The internet user can avail themselves of their right to know the data that we have in our possession and can request that this data be deleted by contacting the DPO.

  1. Intellectual property

Unless mentioned otherwise, the logos, graphics, brands and/or companies mentioned on the site, among others and non-exhaustively, are registered trademarks and cannot be used for commercial purposes without prior permission in writing.

  1. Accessibility / web standards

The French disability law was adopted on 3 February 2005. In its section on the internet, it requires online administration websites to become “accessible to those with disabilities”. The official order was published in May 2009 and requires administrations to become compliant as of 16 May 2012. The XHTML code of the Internet site [URL HERE] is compliant with the XHTML 1.0 specification. It is tested using the W3C HTML validator. The programming code meets the AA level of the W3C standards. These standards are essential for websites. They make it possible to have:
Better compatibility amongst Internet browsers
Reading of the programming code by the technical devices used by the disabled.
An error in the code could result in partial readability of the page by this software.

Confidentiality policy

Aventech, 8 allée Charles BARON – Z.I. Les Auréats – 26000 Valence – France, is responsible for collecting and processing data of a personal nature as described in this confidentiality policy.

Data that you send to us. We collect various pieces of data that you send to us voluntarily:
Usage of the site’s various forms sends us information that is kept (most often, your name, telephone number, email address and the message).
Automatically collected data
In addition to the data that you provide us with on a volunteer basis, we retrieve some data automatically:
Your IP address;
Various information concerning your software and your hardware (screen resolution, operating system and its version, the browser and its version, and the language of your browser);
In the event a computer is used to access the site, various pieces of information concerning your computer (screen colour depth, if flash is present and its version, and the presence of Java);
In the event a mobile device is used to access the site, various pieces of information concerning your mobile device (the key-entry selector, the internet service provider, the telephone brand and model).
Various pieces of metadata such as the URL of the page that you are browsing, the time at which you are browsing it and how much time you stayed on the page;
The channel through which you arrived on our site (direct access, search engine, social network, newsletter, commercial offer, external site or advertising);
The referrer URL that brought you to our site;
In the event you arrived on the site as the result of a search on a search engine, the keyword that made it possible to find the site.

The various data submitted via the contact forms is used in order to contact you;
In the event you have accepted to receive our newsletter via email, your email address will be used so that you can receive it;
We use your IP address to:
Provide you with access to the site;
Know from what location (city) you are visiting the site;
Protect us from attacks;
We use the data concerning your software and your hardware to:
Know what tools are being used by site visitors for the purposes of statistics and in order to improve our site;
Metadata such as the URL, time of the visit, visit duration, channel used, referrer URL and keyword searched for is used to:
Perform statistical monitoring of the site;
Identify any problems with the site (unavailable pages, incorrectly referenced/positioned pages, problem in the purchase funnel, etc.) ;
Identify what is working well (relevant keywords, good site optimisation, etc.).

In addition to ourselves, the following have access to the collected data:
Google (the Google Analytics tool collects the mentioned data).
Through using our services, this same data can be retrieved by:
Mailjet (for email only);
o2switch (host); / ovh (host);
Lead the Way (to identify the companies that come to our site).
We do not sell your personal data under any circumstances.
Beyond that, we do not disclose your personal data to third parties, except if (1) you request that we do so or you authorise disclosure; (2) disclosure is required to process transactions or provide the services that you have requested; or (3) we are obliged to do so by a government authority or regulation body, in the event of a judicial requisition, subpoena or any other similar government or legal requirement, or to establish or defend a legal request.

Data stored on Google Analytics is retained for 26 months;
Data sent from contact forms is retained until a request is made to delete it.

This website contains links to other websites. We cannot be held liable for the confidentiality practices or content of other sites.

In order to ensure the security of our site, we have implemented various measures:
HTTPS encryption of the site with a TLS certificate, in order to secure exchanges between the browser and the site;
Hashing of passwords.

We do not display any advertising on our site.
We display advertising in the search results of the Google search engine (via Google AdWords).

An unsubscribe link is available in each newsletter or commercial offer that you receive via email.
The email that we send to you contains trackers that allow us to know the number of times our messages have been opened, the linked clicked, unsubscriptions and “identified as spam” (data that we use for the purposes of statistics).

At any time, you can change your consent concerning cookies using the button located at the bottom of the page (in the footer).
The length of consent for cookies is 13 months. After that, you will be asked again.

Regarding the data that we have about you, you can, at any time:
Request access to the data;
Request that the data be corrected;
Request that the data be deleted;
Request a processing limit for the data;
Object to the processing of the data.
Find out more about your rights on the CNIL website.

You can contact us:
By email:
By telephone on (+33)4 75 75 26 00